围绕系统工程、企业运营管理与供应链协调优化、新兴商务模式分析与优化、决策理论与方法等方面取得高水平的创新学术成果,在《Management Science》、《Manufacturing and Service Operations Management》,《Production and Operations Management》、《Journal of Operations Management》、《IEEE Transactions》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理科学学报》、《管理世界》等国内外高水平学术刊物上发表论文两百多篇、出版书六本,主持NSFC重大项目和创新群体项目等五十多项国家自然科学基金委、教育部、科技部等国家部委课题,以及地方政府/企业委托课题。研究成果受到国内外学者的广泛关注,Google Scholar引用一万多次,一批研究报告被中国人民银行、IBM等政府部门和国内外企业采纳,应邀在许多个国际会议上做大会主题报告。培养了一批高质量的博士和博士后,被评为全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师。
[1] Zhang Chong, Yu Man, Chen Jian. Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence. 2021, Management Science. 已经录用
[2] Chen Jian, Liang Yong, Shen Hao, Max Shen, Xue Mengying . Offline-Channel Planning in Smart Omnichannel Retailing. 2021, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 已经录用
[3] Li Yao, Lauren Lu, Susan Lu, Jian Chen. The Value of Health IT Interoperability: Evidence from Interhospital Transfer of Heart Attack Patients. 2021, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 已经在线:https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/msom.2021.1007
[4] Li Xue, Cai Xiaoqiang, Chen Jian. Quality and Private Label Encroachment Strategy. 2021, Production and Operations Management,已经在线:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/poms.13549
[5] Jian Chen, He Huang, Liming Liu, Hongyan Xu. Price Delegation or Not? The Effect of Heterogeneous Sales Agents. 2021, Production and Operations Management, Volume30, Issue5, May 2021, Pages 1350-1364
[6] Rong Lisong, Chen Jian, Wen, Zhong. Dynamic Regulation on Innovation and Adoption of Green Technology with Information Asymmetry. 2021, Naval Research Logistics, 已在线了:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/nav.21990
[7] Yue Han, Hongfu Liu, Jian Chen. A Gospel for MOBA Game: Ranking-Preserved Hero Change Prediction in Dota 2. 2021, IEEE Transactions on Games. 已在线了:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9591426
[8] Liu Conghu, Jian Chen, Wei Cai. Data- driven remanufacturability evaluation method of waste parts. 2021, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 已在线了:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9563938
[9] Xiang Chu, Zhong Wen, Jian Chen. Optimal Grading Policies in the Online Acquisition of Used Products. 2021, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.30, No.1, 29–43
[10] Jin-Xiao Chen,Jian Chen. Measuring and Improving Eco-efficiency. 2020, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp: 373-395
[11] Xia Meimei, Jian Chen, Xiao-Jun Zeng. Group decision making using bilateral agreement matrix. 2020, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 398, pp 34-60.
[12] Xia, Meimei, Chen Jian, Zeng, Xiao-Jun, "Data envelopment analysis based on team reasoning", 2020, International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol.27, No.2, pp.1080-1100
[13] Huang, Shuo; Wen, Zhong; Chen, Jian; Cui Ning. Optimal Technology Investment under Emission Trading Policy. 2020, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol: 29, No. 2, 143-162
[14] Xiao Yongbo, Liming Wang, Jian Chen. Dynamic Pricing in a Trade-in Program with Replacement and New Customers. 2020, Naval Research Logistics, Volume 67, Issue 5, Pages 334-352
[15] Li Xue, Lucy Chen, Jian Chen. Individual and Cultural Differences in Newsvendor Decision Making. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2019, 39(1): 164-186
[16] Chong Zhang, Tian-Liang Liu, Hai-Jun Huang, Jian Chen. A cumulative prospect theory approach to commuters’ day-to-day route-choice modeling with friends’ travel information, Transportation Research Part C, 2018, 86: 527-548
[17] Xia Meimei, Jian Chen, Xiao-Jun Zeng. Decision Analysis on Choquet Integral-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Imprecise Information, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2018, 17(2): 677-704
[18] Lei Yang, Gangshu (George) Cai, Jian Chen. Push, Pull, and Supply Chain Risk-Averse Attitude. 2018, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 27, No. 8, 1534–1552
[19] Jin-Xiao Chen, Jian Chen. Supply chain carbon footprinting and responsibility allocation under emission regulations, 2017, Journal of Environmental Management, 188, 255-267
[20] Wang H, Wu JJ, Yuan S, Chen, J. On characterizing scale effect of Chinese mutual funds via text mining. 2016, SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 124, pp 266-278
[21] Wu Hao, Gangshu Cai, Jian Chen, Chwen Sheu. Online Manufacturer Referral to Heterogeneous Retailers, 2015, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 24, No. 11, 1768–1782
[22] Chen Jian, Shuo Huang, Refael Hassin, Nan Zhang. Two Backorder Compensation Mechanisms in Inventory Systems with Impatient Customers, 2015, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1640–1656
[23] Gao Fei, Chen Jian. The Role of Discount Vouchers in Market with Customer Valuation Uncertainty, 2015, Production and Operations Management, 2015, Volume 24, Issue 4, 665–679
[24] Xia MM, Jian Chen, JL Zhang. Multi-criteria decision making based on relative measures, 2015, Annals of Operations Research, Volume 229, Issue 1, pp 791-811
[25] Xia Meimei, Jian Chen. Multi-criteria group decision making based on bilateral agreements, 2015, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240, No.3, 756–764
[26] Xia Meimei, Chen Jian. Studies on Interval Multiplicative Preference Relations and Their Application to Group Decision Making, 2015, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol:24, Issue 1, 115-144
[27] Xia Meimei, Chen Jian. Consistency and consensus improving for pairwise comparison matrices based on Abelian linearly ordered group, 2015, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 266, No.1, 1–32
[28] Quansheng Lei, Jian Chen, Xingyu Wei, Shan Lu. Supply chain coordination under asymmetric production cost information and inventory inaccuracy. 2015, International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 204–218
[29] Wu Junjie, Hongfu Liu, Hui Xiong, Jie Cao, Jian Chen. K-means-based Consensus Clustering: A Unified View, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.27, No. 1, p155-169
[30] Wu Peng, Xiuli Chao, Jian Chen. On the replenishment policy considering less expensive but non-committed supply, 2014, Operations Research Letters, Vol.42, No.8, 509-513
[31] Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen. Evaluating the Potential Effects from Probabilistic Selling of Seasonal Items, 2014, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 61, No.8, p604-619
[32] Zhang JL, Chen J. Information Sharing in a Make-to-Stock Supply Chain. 2014, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Volume 10, Number 4, p 1169-1189
[33] Wei Guiwu, Jian Chen, Jiamin Wang. Stochastic efficiency analysis with a reliability consideration, 2014, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol.48, 1-9
[34] Zhang JL, J Chen. Coordination of information sharing in a supply chain, 2013, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.143, 178–187
[35] Zhang JL, BY Shou, J Chen. Postponed Product Differentiation with Demand Information Update, 2013, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 141, Issue 2, 529–540
[36] Cai XQ, Chen Jian, Xiao YB, Xu XL, Yu G, Fresh-Product Supply Chain Management with Logistics Outsourcing, 2013, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 41, issue 4, pages 752-765
[37] Cui Y, LGT Chen, J Chen, S. Gavirneni, Q Wang, Chinese perspective on newsvendor bias: An exploratory note, 2013, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.31, No.1, 93-97
[38] Xia Meimei, Zeshui Xu, Jian Chen, Algorithms for improving consistency or consensus of reciprocal [0,1]-valued preference relations, 2013, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol 216, 108–133
[39] Guiwu Wei, Jiamin Wang, Jian Chen. Potential optimality and robust optimality in multiattribute decision analysis with incomplete information: A comparative study. 2013, Decision Support Systems, Volume 55, Issue 3, June 2013, Pages 679–684
[40] Zhang Ju-liang, Jian Chen. Supplier selection and procurement decisions with uncertain demand, fixed selection costs and quantity discounts. 2013, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 40, Issue 11, Pages 2703–2710
[41] Chen J, Guan L, Cai XQ. Analysis On Buyers' Cooperative Strategy Under Group-Buying Price Mechanism. 2013, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.9, No.2, pp.291-304
[42] Chen J, YD Guo, HY Zhu. Can me-too products prevail? Performance of new product development and sources of idea generation in China - an emerging market, 2012, R&D Management, Vol.43, No.2, 273-288
[43] Wu JJ, SW Zhu, H Xiong, J Chen, JM Zhu, Adapting the Right Measures for Interesting Pattern Discovery: A Unified View, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics–Part B: Cybernetics, 42(4): 1203-1214
[44] Wu Junjie, Hui Xiong, Chen Liu, and Jian Chen. Enhancing Collaborative Filtering by User Interest Expansion via A Generalization of Distance Functions for Fuzzy c-Means Clustering with Centroids of Arithmetic Means, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.20, Issue 3, 557 -571
[45] Yu QIAN, Jian CHEN, Le MIAO, Jihong ZHANG, Information Sharing in a Competitive Supply Chain with Capacity Constraint, 2012, Flexible Services and Manufacturing, Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp 549-574
[46] Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen. Supply Chain Management of Fresh Products with Producer Transportation, 2012, Decision Science, Vol.43, No.5, 785-815
[47] Zhang Juliang, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Coordinated Pricing and Inventory Control Problems with Capacity Constraints and Fixed Ordering Cost. 2012, Naval Research Logistics, Vol.59, No.5, 376-383
[48] Xu Hongyan, Huang He, Chen Jian. Dynamic pricing and compensation on heterogeneous sales forces. 2012, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 21, No.2, 204-225
[49] Liu Q, E Chen, H Xiong, CHQ Ding, J Chen. Enhancing Collaborative Filtering by User Interest Expansion via Personalized Ranking. 2012, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B, 42(1):218-233
[50] Chen J, YD Guo, S Huang, HY Zhu. Study of the Determinants in Chinese Firms Source of Innovation Choice, 2011, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 53, No.1, 44-68
[51] Chen J, Chen YH, Parlar M, Xiao YB. Optimal inventory and admission policies for drop-shipping retailers serving in-store and online customers, 2011, IIE Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 5, 332-347
[52] Liu Tian-Liang, Jian Chen, Hai-Jun Huang. Existence and efficiency of oligopoly equilibrium under toll and capacity competition, 2011, Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol.47, No.6, 908-919
[53] Chen Jian, He Huang, Robert J. Kauffman. A public procurement combinatorial auction mechanism with quality assignment, 2011, Decision Support Systems, Vol.51, 480-492
[54] Wu Junjie, Jian Chen, Heng Wang, Yili Ren. GIS Enabled Service Site Selection: Environmental Analysis and Beyond. 2011, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 13, No.3, 337-348
[55] Shuo Huang, Sven Axster, Yifan Dou, Jian Chen. A Real-time Decision Rule for an Inventory System with Committed Service Time and Emergency Orders. 2011, European Journal of Operational Research, 215 (2011) 70–79
[56] Lin Y, Chen J, Chen Y. Backbone of technology evolution in the modern era automobile industry: An analysis by the patents citation network. 2011, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 20, No.4, 416-442
[57] Chen Jian, Robert J. Kauffman, Yunhui Liu, Xiping Song. Segmenting Uncertain Demand in Group-Buying Auctions, 2010, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 2, p126-147.
[58] Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Single-Period Two-Product Assemble-to-Order Systems with a Common Component and Uncertain Demand Patterns, 2010, Production and Operations Management, Vol 19, No. 2, p216 – 232.
[59] Xiao Yongbo, Jian Chen, Chung-Yee Lee. Optimal Decisions for Assemble-to-Order Systems with Uncertain Assembly Capacity, 2010, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 123, 155–165.
[60] Cai Xiaoqiang, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao, XiaoLin Xu. Optimization and Coordination of Fresh Product Supply Chains with Freshness-Keeping Effort, 2010, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp.261-278.
[61] Wu Junjie, Hui Xiong, Jian Chen. COG: Local Decomposition for Rare Class Analysis, 2010, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol.20, No.2, p: 191-220.
[62] Zhu Yan, Yan Li, Weiquan Wang, Jian Chen. What Leads to the Post-Implementation Success of the ERP? An Empirical Study of the Chinese Retail Industry, 2010, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 30, No.3, 265-276
[63] Zhang JL Chen J Zhang XS. Coordinating pricing and inventory control in a fluctuating environment. 2010, ACTA Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, Vol. 26, No. 2, p: 187-204
[64] Zhang JL Chen J. Externality of Contracts on Supply Chains with Two Suppliers and A Common Retailer. 2010, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol 6, No. 4, 795–810
[65] Zhang JL , Chen J. A multi-period pricing and inventory control model. 2010, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Vol. 23, No. 2, 249-260
[66] Yongjian Li, Jian Chen, Xiaoqiang Cai. Optimal Manpower Planning Decision with Single Employee Type Considering Minimal Employment Period Constraint. 2010, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.27, Issue: 3, 411-436
[67] Yongjian Li, Jihong Zhang, Jian Chen, Xiaoqiang Cai. Optimal Solution Structure for Multi-period Production Planning with Returned Products Remanufacturing. 2010, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2010) 1–20
[68] Wu Junjie; Hui Xiong, Jian Chen. K-means Clustering versus Validation Measures: A Data Distribution Perspective, 2009, IEEE Transactions on System, man and Cybernetics-Part B, Vol. 39, NO. 2, 318-331
[69] Wu JJ, J Chen, H Xiong, M Xie. External Validation Measures for K-means Clustering: A Data Distribution Perspective. 2009, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 36, Issue 3, Part 2, 6050-6061
[70] Wu JJ, H Xiong, J Chen.Towards Understanding Hierarchical Clustering: A Data Distribution Perspective. 2009, Neurocomputing, Vol.72, pp2319–2330
[71] H Huang, HY Xu, J Chen. A Comparison of a Simple Procurement Auction and Generalized Nash Bargaining. 2009, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol: 17, Iss: 3, Pages: 341-357
[72] Xiao Yongbo, Frank Y. Chen, Jian Chen. Optimal Inventory and Dynamic Admission Polices for a Retailer of Seasonal Products with Affiliate Programs and Drop-Shipping, 2009, Naval Research Logistics, Vol 56, No. 4. pages 300-317
[73] Chen Jian, Xilong Chen, Robert J. Kauffman, Xiping Song. Should we Collude? analyzing the benefits of Bidder Cooperation in Online Group-buying auctions, 2009, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 191-202.
[74] Zhang Ju-liang, Chung-Yee Lee, Jian Chen. Inventory control problem with freight cost and stochastic demand, 2009, Operations Research Letters, 37, 443-446
[75] Ding D., J. Chen. Coordinating a Three Level Supply Chain with Flexible Return Policies, 2008, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 36, pp865 – 876
[76] Cai X.Q., J. Chen, Y.B. Xiao, X.L. Xu, Product Selection, Machine Time Allocation, and Scheduling Decisions for Manufacturing Perishable Products Subject to a Deadline, 2008, Computers and Operations Research, Vol.35, No.5, 1671-1683
[77] Chen Jian, Zhang Nan, Huang Shuo. Optimal and incentive compatible pricing for heterogeneous periods. 2008, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 50-65
[78] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen, Some Models for Deriving the Priority Weights from Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations, 2008, European Journal of Operational Research, v 184, n 1, p 266-280
[79] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen, Junjie Wu, Clustering Algorithm for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 2008, Information Sciences, Vol 178, Issue 19, p3775–3790
[80] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen, MAGDM Linear Programming Models with Distinct Uncertain Preference Structures, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 38, No. 5, p1356-1370
[81] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. Ordered Weighted Distance Measure. 2008, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume: 17, Issue: 4, Pages: 432-445
[82] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. Group decision-making procedure based on incomplete reciprocal relations. 2008, Soft Computing, 12(6), pp515–521
[83] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. An Overview of Distance and Similarity Measures of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 2008, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, Vol. 16, Issue: 4, Pages: 529-555
[84] Zeng D, Wang FY, Zheng XL Yuan Y, Chen GQ, Chen J. Intelligent-Commerce Research in China. 2008, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol.23, No. 6, 14-18
[85] Zhang, Ji-Hong, Wu, Ling-Yun, Chen, Jian, Zhang, Xiang-Sun, A fast haplotype inference method for large population genotype data, 2008, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. 52, Issue: 11, Pages: 4891-4902
[86] Zhang Juliang, Chen Jian, Chung-Yee Lee, Joint Optimization on Pricing, Promotion and Inventory Control with Stochastic Demand, 2008, International Journal of Production Economics, 116, Issue 2, 190-198
[87] Li Y., J. Chen, X. Cai,An Integrated Staff Planning Approach in the Service Sector Considering the Effects of Staffing Flexibility, 2007, Annals of Operations Research, 155: 361–390, 2007
[88] Ding D., J. Chen,Supply Chain Coordination with Contracts Game between Complementary Suppliers, 2007, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 6, No.1, p163-175
[89] Xu Zeshui, Jian Chen. An Interactive Method for Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making, 2007, Information Science, Volume 177, Issue 1, p248-263
[90] Frank Y. Chen, Jian Chen, Yongbo Xiao,Optimal Control of Selling Channels for an Online Retailer with Cost-Per-Click Payments and Seasonal Products, 2007, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 16, No.3, 292-305
[91] Li Yongjian, Chen Jian, Cai Xiaoqiang. Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Capacitated Production Planning Problems with Batch Processing and Remanufacturing, 2007, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 105, No. 2, 301-317
[92] Chen J., X.L. Chen, X.P. Song. Comparison of the Group-buying Auction and the Fixed Pricing Mechanism, 2007, Decision Support Systems, Vol.43, Issue 2 pp 445-459
[93] Xiao Y.B., J. Chen, Y. Chen,On a Semi-Dynamic Pricing and Seat Inventory Allocation Problem, 2007, OR Spectrum, Vol. 29, No.1, p85–103
[94] Yu, Hui, Sun, Caihong, Chen, Jian. Simulating the supply disruption for the coordinated supply chain. 2007, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 323-335
[95] Li Y.J., J. Chen and X.Q. Cai. Uncapacitated Production Planning with Multiple Product Types, Returned Product Remanufacturing, and Demand Substitution. 2006, OR Spectrum, Vol.28, No. 1, p101-125
[96] Chen Haoya., Jian Chen, Youhua Chen. A Coordination Mechanism for a Supply Chain with Demand Information Updating, 2006, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.103, 347-361
[97] Liu Bin, Chen Jian, Liu Sifeng, and R. Zhang. Supply-Chain Coordination with Combined Contract for a Short-Life-Cycle Product, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 36, No.1, 53-61
[98] Zhang Juliang, Jian Chen. Bayesian Solution to Pricing and Inventory Control under Unknown Demand Distribution, 2006, Operations Research Letters, 34, 517-524
[99] Zhang JL, Chen J. A New Non-interior Predictor-Corrector Method for P0 LCP. 2006, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 53 (1): 79-100
[100] Chen J, Y Lin. Knowledge Transfer in Supply Chain: Hold Suppliers’ Complementary Knowledge. 2005, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, p10-18
[101] Xie M., J. Chen. Study on Different Trading Strategies of Retailers through an Integrated Multi-Agent E-Business Model. 2005, International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1-18, 2005
[102] Yu Hui, Chen Jian, Sun Caihong. N-person Non-cooperative Game with Infinite Strategic Space. 2005, Algorithmic Applications in Management, LNCS, Vol.3521, Springer, 77-84
[103] Li Yongjian, Chen Jian, Cai Xiaoqiang, Tu Fengsheng. Optimal Manpower Planning with Temporal Labor and Contract. 2005, Algorithmic Applications in Management, LNCS, Vol.3521, Springer, 350-359
[104] Chen Jian, Huang He. On-line multi-attributes procurement combinatorial auctions bidding strategies. 2005, Computational Science, LNCS, Vol.3516, Springer, 578-585
[105] Lei QS, Chen J, Zhou Q. Multiple criteria inventory classification based on principal components analysis and neural network. 2005, Advances in Neural Networks, LNCS, Vol.3498, Springer, 1058-1063
[106] Chen J, S. Lin. A Neural Network Approach—Decision Neural Network (DNN) for Preference Assessment, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics—Part C, Vol. 34, No.2, 219-225
[107] Zhang JL, Chen J, Zhuo XJ. A constrained optimization approach for LCP. 2004, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 22 (4): 509-522
[108] Zhang JL, Chen J. A Smoothing Levenberg-Marquardt Type Method for LCP. 2004, Journal of Computational Mathematics 22 (5): 735-752
[109] Jian Chen, Yunhui Liu, Xiping Song. Group-buy online auction and optimal inventory policy in uncertain market. 2004, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, p202-218
[110] Lianqiao Cai, Jian Chen, Houmin Yan. Single-period two-product inventory model with substitution: solution and properties. 2004, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, p112-123
[111] Chen Jian, Huang Shuo. Multi-Echelon Inventory Model with Emergency. 2004, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.9, No. 4, p482-488
[112] Chen Jian, Liu Yunhui, Song Xiping. Comparison of Group-buying online auction and posted pricing mechanism in an uncertain market. 2004, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Vol.2, No.3, 1-5
[113] Chen Jian, Huang He. Study on the winning probability for a bid in procurement combinational auction with tree structure. 2004, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Vol.2, No.3, 18-21
[114] Chen Jian, Yingxia Lin. Search Costs in the Electronic Markets: Market Equilibrium and Corporation Strategy. 2003, International Journal of Electronic Business,Vol. 1, No. 1, p83-93
[115] Chen J., S. Lin, An Interactive DNN Approach for Solving Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems, 2003, Decision Support Systems, Vol.36, No.2 p. 137-146
[116] Zhang Ju-liang, Jian Chen. Studies on the Value of Secondary Market to the Supply Chain. 2003, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, p360-371
[117] Chen J., X.L. Chen, X.P. Song, Bidder's Strategy Under Group-Buying Auction on the Internet, 2002, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 32, No. 6, p680-690
[118] Zhuge H., Chen J., Fang Y., Shi X.Q., A Federation-agent-workflow Simulation Framework for Virtual Organization Development, Information and Management, 2002, Vol. 39, p325-336
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[120] Liu Hongyan, Lu Hongjun, Chen Jian. A Fast Scalable Classifier Tightly Integrated with RDBMS. 2002, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No.2, p152-159
[121] Chen J., Xu LJ, Coordination of the Supply Chain of Seasonal Products, 2001, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A, Vol. 31,No.6, p524-532
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[8] 黄帝,陈剑,周弘. 配额-交易机制下动态批量生产和减排投资策略研究 . 2016, 中国管理科学, 第24卷, 第4期, 129-137
[9] 刘健,陈剑,刘思峰,周献中. 风险偏好与属性约简在决策问题中的应用研究. 2013, 管理科学学报, 第16 卷第8 期, 68-79
[10] 窦一凡,吴东军,陈剑. 考虑前瞻性买者的软件定价策略研究. 2012, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版), Vol.52, No.8, 1138-1141
[11] 徐鸿雁, 黄河, 陈剑. 针对不同类型销售商的长期激励合同设计研究. 2012, 中国管理科学, Vol.20,No.6, 118-124
[12] 陈剑. 低碳供应链管理研究. 2012, 系统管理学报, Vol.21, No.6, 721-728
[13] 刘天亮,陈剑,辛春林. 凸需求情形下分权供应链运作效率及福利分析. 2011, 管理科学学报. Vol 14 No. 1, 61-68
[14] 徐鸿雁,陈剑. 不对称信息下对异质销售商激励及产品定价. 2011, 系统工程学报, Vol.26, No.2, 222-228
[15] 崔崟、陈剑、肖勇波. 行为库存管理研究综述及前景展望. 2011, 管理科学学报. Vol 14 No. 6, 96-108
[16] 陈剑、肖勇波. 供应链管理研究的新发展. 2011, 上海理工大学学报, Vol.33, No.6, 694-700
[17] 黄河,陈剑. 组合拍卖与议价谈判机制设计研究. 2010, 管理科学学报. Vol.13 (2): P1-11
[18] 黄河,陈剑. 拍卖采购合同及议价谈判机制设计. 2010, 管理科学学报. Vol 13 No. 3, 1-7
[19] 陈剑,徐鸿雁. 基于销售商努力的供应商定价和生产决策. 2009, 系统工程理论与实践, 29(5) : 1-10
[20] 刘运辉,陈剑. 基于逢低买入拍卖的零售商订货策略. 2009, 系统工程理论与实践,29 (7): 35-42
[21] 辛春林, 陈剑, 刘天亮. 基于凸情形下在线设备更新间题的竞争分析. 2009 , 系统工程理论与实践,29 (11): 145-151
[22] 陈剑, 陈剑锋. 基于收益共享合同的虚拟企业控制权力分配. 2009, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版) , Vo l. 49, No. 3, 447-451
[23] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 刘晓玲, 朱岩. 季节性产品销售商动态串货搏弈模型. 2008, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 28 (3): 35-43
[24] 黄河,陈剑,徐鸿雁. 多因素采购组合拍卖动态机制设计研究. 2008, 中国管理科学, Vol.16, No.1, 104-110
[25] 钱宇, 陈剑. 供应链中考虑下游转运的订货和定价决策研究. 2008, 中国管理科学, Vol.16, No.1, 53-59
[26] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 徐小林. 到岸价格商务模式下涉及远距离运输的时鲜产品供应链协调. 2008,系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 28 (2): 19-25
[27] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 刘晓玲. 基于乘客选择行为的双航班机票联合动态定价模型. 2008, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 28 (1): 46-55
[28] 陈剑,张楠. 针对等待敏感顾客的缺货补偿与库存策略研究. 2008, 管理科学学报,Vol.11, No.3, 53-62
[29] 吴鹏,陈剑. 考虑回收数量不确定性的生产决策优化. 2008, 系统工程学报,Vol.23, No.6, 644-649
[30] 陈剑; 陈剑锋. 虚拟企业收益共享合同中的监控机制研究. 2007, 复旦学报(自然科学版), 04期
[31] 徐泽水; 陈剑. 一种基于区间直觉判断矩阵的群决策方法. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27, No.4, 126-133
[32] 于辉. 陈剑. 突发事件下何时启动应急预案. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27, No.8, 27-32
[33] 黄河, 陈剑. 采购组合拍卖投标均衡策略研究. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27 (10): 93-97
[34] 黄河, 陈剑. 采购组合拍卖改进机制研究. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27 (11): 43-47
[35] 肖勇波, 陈剑, 吴鹏. 产能和需求不确定情形下ATO 系统最优库存和生产决策研究. 2007, 中国管理科学, Vol.15, No.5, 56-64
[36] 刘斌, 刘思峰, 陈剑, 等. 一类短生命周期产品供应链的有价格差异联合契约. 2006, 管理科学, Vol. 19, No.2, p6-12
[37] 陈剑, 肖勇波, 刘晓玲, 陈友华. 基于乘客选择行为的航空机票控制模型研究, 2006, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 26, No.1, 65-75
[38] 黄河, 陈剑. 政府采购组合拍卖机制, 2006, 重庆大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 29 No. 6, 140--143
[39] 于辉, 陈剑, 于刚. 批发价契约下的供应链应对突发事件. 2006, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 26, No.8, 33-41
[40] 于辉, 陈剑. 需求依赖于价格的供应链应对突发事件. 2007, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 27, No.3, 36-41
[41] 陈剑, 徐鸿雁. 销售激励与定价关系研究, 2006, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006年 S1期,
[42] 吴俊杰, 陈剑. SCBA:基于演变的规则知识库的数据流分类模型. 2006, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版), 2006年 S1期, 1078-1084
[43] 陈剑, 彭仕云. 不完全信息条件下的非单调推理技术集成决策框架研究. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No. 2, 18-23
[44] 陈剑, 黄河. 逆向组合拍卖投标者获胜概率研究. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No. 3, 13-19
[45] 刘斌, 刘思峰, 陈剑. 不确定需求下供应链渠道协调的数量折扣研究. 2005, 南京航空航天大学学报, Vol. 37, No. 2, 256-261
[46] 于辉, 陈剑, 于刚. 协调供应链如何应对突发事件. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No.7, 9-16
[47] 刘斌, 陈剑, 刘思峰. 一类短生命周期产品供应链的联合契约. 2005, 系统工程, Vol. 23, No.3, 55-62
[48] 于辉, 陈剑, 于刚. 回购契约下供应链对突发事件的协调应对. 2005, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 25, No.8, 38-43
[49] 周庆, 黄颖颖, 陈剑. 基于主体的动态竞争模型的设计与仿真. 2005, 系统仿真学报, Vol.17, No.8, 1977-1981
[50] 张玉林, 陈剑. 供应链中基于Stackelberg博弈的信息共享协调问题研究. 2004, 管理工程学报, Vol118 , No13, p118-120
[51] 霍沛军, 陈继祥, 陈剑. R&D 补贴与社会次佳R&D. 2004, 管理工程学报, Vol.18 , No.2, p1-3
[52] 周庆, 陈剑. 基于Swarm 的供应链多主体聚集模型及其仿真. 2004, 系统仿真学报Vol. 16 No. 6, p1308-1313
[53] 张小洪, 陈剑, 潘德惠. 有限耐烦期随机库存系统的最优控制. 2004, 中国管理科学, Vol. 12 , No. 2, p38-43
[54] 陈豪雅,陈剑. 定制延迟模式的供应链协调. 2004, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.34, No. 8, p1-11
[55] 张菊亮,陈剑. 销售商的努力影响需求变化的供应链的合约. 2004, 中国管理科学, Vol. 12 , No. 4, p50-56
[56] 陈剑, 肖勇波, 刘晓玲. 航空公司与旅行社的协作机制研究. 2004, 中国管理科学, Vol. 12 , No. 3, p107-114
[57] 陈剑, 黄河. 基于树型结构的在线逆向组合拍卖模型. 2004, 系统工程理论方法应用, Vo l. 13 No. 4, 310-315
[58] 蔡连侨, 陈剑, 严厚民. 可替代产品的库存模型研究(I):最优订货量. 2003, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.33, No. 6, p63-68
[59] 蔡连侨, 陈剑, 严厚民. 可替代产品的库存模型研究(II):基本性质. 2003, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.33, No. 8, p59-68
[60] 金海和, 陈剑, 唐政, 郑国旗基. 于Hopfield网络学习的多城市旅行商问题的解法. 2003, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.33, No. 7, p100-105
[61] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 生产能力无限时逢低买入与固定价格机制的比较. 2003, 中国管理科学, Vol. 11, No.3, p11-17, 2003
[62] 张玉林, 陈剑, 薛锦. 基于Agent的营销经理信息系统分析. 2003, 计算机工程与应用,No.15, p5-10 2
[63] 冯蔚东,陈剑,贺国光,刘豹. 交通流中的分形研究. 2003, 高技术通讯, Vol.13, No.6, p59-65 2
[64] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 逢低买入拍卖与固定价格机制的比较研究. 2003, 管理科学学报, Vol. 6, No. 5, p34-39
[65] 陈剑,宋西平,陈熙龙. 规模经济下的逢低买入. 2003, 系统工程理论方法应用, Vol. 12, No. 3, p193-198
[66] 霍沛军, 陈剑, 陈继祥. 两层供应链中的上游R&D补贴策略. 2003, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报, Vol. 43, No.10, p1297-1300
[67] 陈剑, 张小洪, 常炜. 双渠道多制造商供应链的Cournot均衡策略. 2003, 中国管理科学,Vol. 11(专辑) , p284-289.
[68] 黄朔, 陈剑. 关于一种销售商合作方式的研究. 2003, 中国管理科学,vol.11(专辑),199-203
[69] 陈剑, 黄朔. 供应链结构研究进展. 2002, 系统工程学报,Vol.17, No.3, p246-251
[70] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 贺国光, 刘豹. 交通流路线选择行为演化模型. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践,Vol. 22, No. 3, p72-79
[71] 冯蔚东, 陈剑. 虚拟企业中核心能力的定性与定量识别. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 5, p48-54
[72] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 基于产品的虚拟企业工期风险控制研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 2, p55-60
[73] 冯蔚东, 陈剑. 虚拟企业中伙伴收益分配比例的确定. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No.4, p45-49
[74] 闻中, 陈剑. 网络效应、市场结构和进入壁垒. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 2, p61-66
[75] 计秉玉, 陈剑, 周锡生, 李莉. 裂缝性低渗透油层渗吸作用的数学模型. 2002, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p711-713,726
[76] 刘红岩, 陈剑, 陈国青. 数据挖掘中的数据分类算法综述. 2002, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p727-730
[77] 金海和, 陈剑, 唐政, 郑国旗. 基于Hopfield网络的极小值问题学习算法. 2002, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p7731-734,746
[78] 金海和, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 分销配送网络优化模型及其求解算法. 2002, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报, Vol. 42, No.6, p739-742
[79] 霍沛军, 陈剑, 陈继祥. 单边R&D时横向一体化的效应. 2002, 系统工程学报,Vol.17, No.4, p329-335
[80] 陈 剑, 陆今芳. 多智能自主体企业供应链系统的构建及激励机制研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vo.21, No. 7, p1-8, 2002
[81] 赵纯均, 陈剑, 冯蔚东. 虚拟企业及其构建研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 10, p49-55
[82] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 逢低买入拍卖中的共谋研究. 2002, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol. 22, No. 10, p94-104
[83] 刘红岩, 陆宏钧, 陈剑. 利用数据库技术实现的可扩展的分类算法. 2002, 软件学报, Vol. 13, No.6, p1075-1081
[84] 霍沛军, 陈剑, 陈继祥. 双寡头R&D合作与非合作时的最优溢出. 2002, 中国管理科学, Vol. 10, No. 6, p92-96
[85] 霍沛军, 陈继祥, 陈剑. 溢出确定时单边随机R&D企业的收购策略. 2002, 管理工程学报, Vol. 16, No. 4, 9-12
[86] 陈剑, 陈熙龙, 宋西平. 网上逢低买入拍卖形式下的买方策略. 2002, 中国管理科学, Vol. 10, No. 5, p1-7
[87] 陈剑, 陆今芳. 基于多智能自主体的企业供应链研究. 2001, 计算机集成制造系统, Vol. 7, No.6, p1-5
[88] 陈剑, 蔡连侨. 供应链建模和优化. 2001, 系统工程理论与实践,Vol. 21, No.6, p26-33
[89] 冯蔚东, 陈剑. 虚拟企业中的风险分析与监控. 2001, 中国管理科学, Vol.9, No. 5, p24-31
[90] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 虚拟企业中的风险管理与控制研究. 2001, 管理科学学报, Vol.4, No. 3, p1-8
[91] 苏强, 陈剑. 基于ISO9000与Baldrige的质量管理体系诊断与改进模型研究. 2000, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版),Vol.40, No.2, 122-126
[92] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 冯铁军, 赵纯均. 虚拟企业组织设计过程模型与试应用. 2000, 计算机集成制造系统, VOL. 6, NO. 3, P17-24
[93] 冯蔚东, 陈剑, 赵纯均. 基于遗传算法的动态联盟伙伴选择过程及优化模型. 2000, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版),Vol. 40, No. 10, p120-124
[94] 徐晓辉, 陈剑. 关于产品电子商务匹配度的研究. 2000, 南开管理评论,2000,No. 4, p71-74
[95] 闻中, 陈剑. 网络效应与网络外部性:概念的探讨与分析. 2000, 当代经济科学, No.6, p13-20
[96] 苏强, 陈剑. 质量管理层次结构模型. 1999, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版),Vol.39, No.10, 124-127
[97] 陈剑, 黄京炜, 胥东, 李明. 王颜胶州湾及其邻近海岸带功能区划数学模型研究. 1998, kaiyun体育登录网页入口学报(自然科学版),Vol.38, No.2, 95-98
[98] 陈剑, 黄朔. 供应链管理和优化. 1998, 北京科技大学学报, Vol.20(增刊), p5-10
[99] 陈剑. 一个面向作物育种过程的混合咨询系统. 1997, 计算机学报,Vol. 20, No. 5, p475-579
[100] 陈剑, 马佐群. 面向对象的图形建模支持系统研究. 1996, 系统工程与电子技术, Vol.18, No.1, p23-29,
[101] 胥东, 陈剑. 一种自然属性分析的量化方法及应用. 1996, 系统工程理论方法应用, Vol.5, No.1, p15-19
[102] 陈剑. 质量功能配置与多目标决策分析. 1996, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.16, No.8, p25-29
[103] 复杂系统图形建模方法的研究 1995 系统工程学报,Vol.10, No.2, p5-14,
[104] 数量性状相关时的基因(有效因子)模型及其参数估计 1995 生物数学学报, Vol.10, No.4, p44-50
[105] 陈剑. 一种基于不完全知识的决策方法及其应用. 1994, 农业工程学报,Vol. 10,No.4, p8-13,
[106] 陈剑, 郑维敏, 王永县. 作物育种过程的模型,控制和仿真. 1992, 系统工程学报, Vol.7, No.1, p1-10
[107] 陈剑、郑维敏、王永县. 应用极大似然法估计数量性状有效因子数目. 1991, 生物数学学报, Vol.6, No.1, p102-109
[108] 陈剑, 姜力孚. 作物育种遗传过程的控制. 1991, 系统工程, Vol. 9, No. 5, p63-71
[109] 陈剑, 倪丕冲, 李梅芳, 陈屹, 黄卓忠. 基于遗传分布模型预测水稻杂交后代性状分布. 1991, 作物学报, Vol. 17, No. 3, p178-184
[110] 陈剑, 郑维敏, 王永县. 一种基于分布函数的基因数目估计方法. 1990, 遗传, Vol. 12, No.2, p13-16
[111] 陈剑, 郑维敏, 王永县基. 因(有效因子)模型及其辨识. 1990, 生物工程学报,Vol.6, No.4, p293-299
[112] 郑维敏, 王永县, 陈剑, 陈屹. 育种咨询系统中的水稻杂交后代性状预测. 1989, 农业工程学报,Vol.5, No.4, p1-8
[113] 韩曾晋, 孙建华, 陈剑, 张乃尧. 带知识库的高炉铁水含硅量的自适应预报系统. 1989, 自动化学报,Vol.15, No.2, p128-135
[1] 陈剑,冯蔚东.《虚拟企业构建与管理》. kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社,2002
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