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管理科学与工程系    教授









2011-至今       kaiyun体育登录网页入口管理科学与工程系 教授

2015.01-2015.03   加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校,学术访问

2003-2011       清华大学kaiyun体育登录网页入口管理科学与工程系 副教授

2004.09-2005.10   美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)计算机系 访问学者

2002秋         香港科技大学计算机系 合作研究

2001秋         香港中文大学工公司 博士后合作研究

1999秋         香港中文大学商公司 访问学者

1994-至今       kaiyun体育登录网页入口管理科学与工程系 教师










刘红岩教授在国际学术期刊和国内外学术会议上发表论文上百篇(其中在UTD 24期刊6篇),包括国际顶级及高水平学术期刊如ISR、MIS Quarterly、INFORMS Journal on Computing、ACM Transactions on Information Systems、ACM Transactions on Database Systems、IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering、Decision Support Systems、ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems,以及顶级国际学术会议如VLDB、IEEE ICDE、ACM SIGKDD、IEEE ICDM、SIAM on Data Mining (SDM)、WWW、ACM CIKM、ICIS等。获得11项国家发明专利授权;主持国家自然科学基金多项以及多项企业研究院和企业合作研究课题,作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目、国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目等。出版专著《社会计算:用户在线行为分析与挖掘》(kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社,2014年)、出版国家规划教材《商务智能技术及应用(第二版)》(kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社,2020年)、《数据库技术及应用》(kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社,2013年)等。

英文国际期刊论文选列(Selected Journal Papers)

[1] Jiawei Chen, Yinghui Yang, Hongyan Liu, Mining Bilateral Reviews: A Relational Topic Modeling Framework for Transaction Success Prediction in Sharing Economy. Information Systems Research. https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2020.0981.(UTD 24)

[2] Shen Liu, Hongyan Liu. Tagging Items Automatically Based on Both Content Information and Browsing Behaviors. INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC). https://doi.org/10.1287/ijoc.2020.1007.(UTD 24)

[3] Yidong Chai, Yiyang Bian*, Hongyan Liu, Jiaxing Li, Jie Xu, Glaucoma diagnosis in the Chinese context: An uncertainty information-centric Bayesian deep learning model, Information Processing & Management, Volume 58, Issue 2, 2021

[4] Yidong Chai, Hongyan Liu, Jie Xu. A New Convolutional Neural Network Model for Peripapillary Atrophy Areas Segmentation from Retinal Fundus Images. Applied Soft Computing. Volume 86, January 2020.

[5] Jiangning He, Xiao Fang, Hongyan Liu. Mobile App Recommendation: An Involvement-Enhanced approach. MIS Quarterly. 2019, 43(3): 827-849. (UTD 24)

[6] Jiawei Chen, Hongyan Liu, Yinghui Yang, Jun He. "Effective Selection of a Compact and High-Quality Review Set with Information Preservation. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2019, Article No.: 15, pp 1–22.

[7] Jun H, Hongyan Liu, Yiqing Zheng, Shu Tang, Wei He, Xiaoyong Du. Bi-Labeled LDA: Inferring Interest Tags for Non-Famous Users in Social Network. Data Science and Engineering. Open Access; Published: 29 November 2019

[8] Yidong Chai, Hongyan Liu, Jie Xu. Glaucoma Diagnosis Based on Both Hidden Features and Domain Knowledge through Deep Learning Models. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2018: 147-156.

[9] Jiangning He, Hongyan Liu. Mining Exploratory Behavior to Improve Mobile App Recommendation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). Vol 35, No 4, Article 32. 2017.

[10] Jiangning He, Hongyan Liu, Hui Xiong. SocoTraveler: Travel-package Recommendations Leveraging Social Influence of Different Relationship Types. Information & Management. Volume 53, Issue 8, Pages 934-950. (December 2016).

[11]Jiangning He, Hongyan Liu, Raymond Lau, Jun He. Relationship Identification across heterogeneous online social networks. Computational Intelligence. Volume 33, Issue 3. August 2017. Pages 448-477.

[12]Hongyan Liu, Yinghui Yang, Zhuohua Chen, Yong Zheng. A Tree-Based Contrast Set Mining Approach to Detecting Group Differences. INFORMS Journal on Computing. Volume 26 Issue 2, Spring 2014, pp. 208-221.  (UTD 24)

[13]Jun He, Hongyan Liu, Jeffrey X. Yu, Pei Li, Wei He, Xiaoyong Du. Assessing Single-Pair Similarity over Graphs by Aggregating First-Meeting Probabilities. Information systems. Volume 42, June 2014, Pages 107–122.

[14]Yinghui Yang, Hongyan Liu, and Yuanjue Cai. Discovery of Online Shopping Patterns across Web Sites. INFORMS Journal on Computing.  2013,Vol. 25,No. 1. pp.161-176. (UTD 24)

[15]Jun He, Hongyan Liu, Yingqin Gu, Jun Yan, Hong Chen. Scalable and Noise Tolerant Web Knowledge Extraction for Search Task Simplification. Decision Support Systems. Volume 56, December 2013, Pages 156–167.

[16]Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Yingqin Gu, Hui Xiong, Xiaoyong Du. Detecting and Tracking Topics and Events from Web Search Logs. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). Volume 30 Issue 4, November 2012. Article No. 21.

[17]Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Wenting Song, Tingting Wang. Combining User Preference and User Opinion for Accurate Recommendation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA). Vol. 12, No. 1. 14-23. 2013.

[18]Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Dan Zhu, Xiaofeng Ling, Xiaoyong Du. Measuring Similarity Based on Link Information: A Comparative Study. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). VOL. 25, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013. 2823-2840

[19]Yinghui Yang, Balaji Padmanabhan, Hongyan Liu and Xiaoyu Wang. Discovery of Periodic Patterns in Sequence Data: A Variance Based Approach. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2012, Vol. 24, No. 3. pp. 372-386. (UTD 24)

会议论文选列(Refereed Proceedings with high impact)

[1] Shen Liu, Hongyan Liu. Tagging Items with New Tags: A Few-shot Learning Model" for presentation at the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS 2020). Virtual. Best paper nomination

[2] Ge Gao, Hongyan Liu, Audience Come and Go Learning Dynamic Representations to Recommend Live Streaming Rooms. The 4th Informs workshop on Data Science, 2020. Best Paper Runner-up Award

[3] Qiyi Wang, Hongyan Liu and Jun He. A Graph Attentive Network Model for P2P Lending Fraud Detection. The 13th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2020), Hangzhou, China, August 28-30, 2020. Best paper Runner-up Award

[4] Jiawei Chen, Hongyan Liu, Shiqiang Zheng. Session-Based Learning for Anchor Ranking on Live Streaming Platforms. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), 12. 13-16, 2018. San Francisco, CA, USA.

[5] Shen Liu, Hongyan Liu, Exploiting Partial Tag Information for Accurate and Explainable Recommendation, 2018 INFORMS Workshop on Data Science (DS 2018). November 3, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

[6] Zhuohua Chen, Hongyan Liu,Sanpu Han. Leveraging Community-Level Social Influence and Vocal Competence for Singing-Song Recommendation. 2018 INFORMS Workshop on Data Science (DS 2018). November 3, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Best Paper Award Runner-Up.

[7] Jiawei Chen, Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Sanpu Han. Interaction-Aware Watching Duration Prediction on Live Streaming Platforms. The 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), August 16-18, 2018. New Orleans, LA, USA.

[8] Shen Liu, Hongyan Liu, Exploiting User Consuming Behavior for Effective Item Tagging. The 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2017). November 6-10, 2017, Singapore.

[9] Yidong Chai, Hongyan Liu, Li Zhang. Extracting Visual Words from Images for Effective Medical Diagnosis. The 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2017). July 17-20, Langkawi, Malaysia.

[10] Luo He, Xiaolei Xie, Hongyan Liu, Bo Li. How Out-of-pocket Ratio Influences Readmission: An Analysis Based on Front Sheet of Inpatient Medical Record. International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH2017), Hong Kong, Jun 26-27.

[11] Yidong Chai, Luo He, Qiuyan Me, Hongyan Liu, Liang Xu. Deep Learning through Two-branch Convolutional Neuron Network for Glaucoma Diagnosis. International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH2017), Hong Kong, Jun 26-27.2017.

[12] Jiangning He, Hongyan Liu, Jun He. Sanpu Han. Individuality or conformity: Recommendation Exploiting Community-level social Influence, PACIS 2016. Taiwan.

[13] Yinghui Yang, Zijie Qi, Hongyan Liu and Jun He. Constrained clustering based on the link structure of a directed graph. The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015). Singapore. July 2015.

[14] Yinghui Yang, Zijie Qi, Hongyan Liu. Selective Domain Information Acquisition to Improve Segmentation Quality. The 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2015). Seoul, Korea, August 2015.

[15] Yongfang Ma, Yinghui Yang, Hongyan Liu. Competitor Identification based on User Preference and Item attraction. CSWIM 2015. Hefei, China. June, 2015.


[1] 刘红岩,社会计算:用户在线行为分析与挖掘,kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社。2014-7-1。ISBN:9787302356486。

[2] 杨德礼,胡祥培,孔祥维,刘红岩,卫强。新兴电子商务:商务智能方法与服务知识管理。kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社。2013.10.1,362千字。ISBN: 9787302324591

[3] 陈国青,叶强,刘红岩,徐心,卫强,易成,张自立等,基于大数据的商务智能与模式创新研究, 科学出版社,ISBN:9787030645920。 2020-09-01。


[1] 刘红岩,《商务智能方法与应用》(第2版),kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社,2020.8.1,470千字,高等学校大数据管理与应用专业规划教材,ISBN: 9787302558101。

[2] 刘红岩,《数据库技术及应用》(第2版),kaiyun体育登录网页入口出版社。2013-2-1,ISBN:978-7-302-31223-9,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。


[1] 一种自动拆分英文复合词组的系统和方法 (授权专利号:200910078791.9)

[2] 一种在信息检索中基于图中的块结构来计算网页结构图中的链接相似度的系统和方法(授权专利号:200910078788.7)

[3] 一种数据库模式重构系统和方法 (授权专利号:200910078789.1)

[4] 一种文档相似度衡量方法 (授权专利号:200910078785.3)

[5] 一种基于有权图计算文本内容相似度的方法 (授权专利号:200910078787.2)

[6] 互联网传播路径图简化方法(授权专利号:201210209515.3)

[7] 微博话题标签自动化描述方法(授权专利号:201210209327.0)

[8] 基于地图限定区域的对象查找方法(授权专利号:201210209277.6)

[9] 信息推送方法(授权专利号:201210209511.5)


[11]商品标签生成方法及装置(授权专利号:201711071583 .7)



曾以合作研究或访问学者身份访问多所国际高校,如美国伊利诺依大学(UIUC)计算机系(2004年9月—2005年10月)、加州大学戴维斯分校管理公司、香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系(2011年2月)、香港科技大学计算机系(2002年8月)、香港中文大学工公司(2001年4月—6月)、香港中文大学商公司(1999年8月—12月),与国际上多位知名的教授从事合作研究,如国际著名的数据挖掘专家UIUC 的Jiawei Han教授、国际知名数据库专家Hongjun Lu教授、香港中文大学的Jeffrey X. Yu教授、亚利桑那大学Hsinchun Chen教授以及UC Davis的Catherine Yang等。曾担任众多国际会议的程序委员会委员,例如 ICIS Associate Editor, CIKM, PACIS, PAISI, ADMA, APWeb/WAIM, WISE, WISM, CSWIM, CNAIS及ICNC-FSKD等及部分会议的PC Co-chair, Track Chair及Panel Chair等, 同时担任多个国际高水平学术期刊如Management Science, ISR, MISQ, TKDE, Decision Sciences, INFORMS Journal on Computing, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, DSS等国际期刊的审稿人。现为INFORMS、ACM、IEEE、AIS、SIAM等国际学术组织会员,中国计算机学会高级会员、计算机学会数据库专委会委员、中国管理现代化研究会电子商务与网络空间管理专委会副主任,kaiyun体育登录网页入口人工智能与管理研究中心副主任。



曾获得过多项奖励及荣誉称号,获得国际会议最佳论文奖6次,包括数据挖掘一流国际会议SDM、CSWIM、ADMA、WISE、KSEM、INFORMS Workshop on Data Science等。管理科学与工程学会优秀博士论文指导教师,主持的国家自然科学基金项目《基于数据挖掘的用户网上行为模式的发现技术与应用研究》被基金委评为特优。
