1. Gong, Jie, Tracy Xiao Liu, Jie Tang. “How Monetary Incentives Improve Outcomes in MOOCs: Evidence from a Field Experiment.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 190, 905-921,2021.
2. Bai, Chong-En, Wei Chi, Tracy Xiao Liu, Chao Tang and Jian Xu. “Boosting Pension Enrollment and Household Consumption by Example: A Field Experiment on Information Provision.” Journal of Development Economics, 150,102622, 2021.
3. Cao, Cangjian, Sherry Xin Li and Tracy Xiao Liu. “A Gift with Thoughtfulness: A Field Experiment on Work Incentives” Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 17-42, 2020.
4. Cobo-Reyes, Ramon, Jose J. Dominguez, Fernando Garcia-Quero, Brit Grosskopf, Juan A. La-comba, Francisco Lagos, Tracy Xiao Liu, and Graeme Pearce. “The Development of Social Preferences.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Special Issue for Understanding Cognition and Decision Making by Children, 179, 653-666, 2020.
5. Chi, Wei, Tracy Xiao Liu, Xiaoye Qian and Qing Ye. “An Experimental Study of Incentive Contracts for Short- and Long-term Employees.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 159, 366-383, 2019.
6. Liu, Tracy Xiao, Jenna Bednar, Yan Chen, and Scott Page. “Directional Behavioral Spillover and Cognitive Load Effects in Multiple Repeated Games.” Experimental Economics, Special Issue in Honor of Professor Charles R. Plott, 22, 705-734, 2019.
7. Liu, Tracy Xiao. “All-Pay Auctions with Endogenous Bid Timing: An Experimental Study.” International Journal of Game Theory, 47, 247-271, 2018.
8. Jian, Lian, Zheng Li and Tracy Xiao Liu. “Simultaneous Versus Sequential All-Pay Auctions under Incomplete Information: An Experimental Study.” Experimental Economics, 20, 648-669, 2017.
9. Liu, Tracy Xiao, Jiang Yang, Lada A. Adamic and Yan Chen. “Crowdsourcing with All-Pay Auctions: A Field Experiment on Taskcn.” Management Science, 60 (8), 2020-2037, 2014.
10. Chen, Yan, Sherry Xin Li, Tracy Xiao Liu and Margaret Shih. “Which Hat to Wear? Impact of Natural Identities on Coordination and Cooperation.” Games and Economic Behavior, 84, 58–86, 2014.
11. Bednar, Jenna, Yan Chen, Tracy Xiao Liu and Scott Page. “Behavioral Spillovers and Cognitive Load in Multiple Games: An Experimental Study.” Games and Economic Behavior, 74, 12–31, 2012.
1. Huang, Zhihuan, Shengwei Xu, You Shan, Yuxuan Lu, Yuqing Kong, Tracy Xiao Liu and Grant Schoenebeck. “SURPRISE! and When to Schedule It.” Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21,CCF A), 2021.
2. Song, Zhengyang, Jie Tang, Tracy Xiao Liu, Wenjiang Zheng, Lili Wu, Wenzheng Feng and Jing Zhang. "XiaoMu: an AI-driven Assistant for MOOCs." 64 (6), 164101, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (CCF B), 2021.
3. Ding, Xichen, Jie Tang, Tracy Xiao Liu, Cheng Xu, Yaping Zhang, Feng Shi, Qixia Jiang and Dan Shen. “Infer Implicit Contexts in Real-time Online-to-Offline Recommendation.” Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth ACM SIGKDD (CCF A) International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'19), 2019.
4. Feng, Wenzheng, Jie Tang, Tracy Xiao Liu. “Understanding Dropouts in MOOCs.” Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI (CCF A) Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'19), 2019.
5. Qiu, Jiezhong, Jie Tang, Tracy Xiao Liu, Jie Gong, Chenhui Zhang, Qian Zhang and Yufei Xue. “Modeling and Predicting Learning Behavior in MOOCs.” Proceeding of ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2016 CCF B), San Francisco, CA, USA, February 22-25, 2016. (Acceptance rate 18.2%)
6. Zhang, Chenhui, Sida Gao, Jie Tang, Tracy Xiao Liu, Zhanpeng Fang, and Xu Cheng. “Learning Triadic Influence in Large Social Networks.” 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, 2016.