Learning and Optimization with Seasonal Patterns, with Ningyuan Chen and Longlin Wang.
Operations Research, Articles in Advance. [Link]
Robust Inventory Management: A Cycle-Based Approach, with Yupeng Chen and Garud Iyengar.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(2), 581-594, 2023. [Link]
Play Like the Pros? Solving the Game of Darts as a Dynamic Zero-Sum Game, with Martin Haugh.
Informs Journal on Computing, 34(5), 2540-2551, 2022. [Link]
A Partitioning Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Market Microstructure, with Ningyuan Chen and Steven Kou.
Management Science, 64(2), 784-803, 2018. [Link]
Tax-Aware Dynamic Asset Allocation, with Martin Haugh and Garud Iyengar.
Operations Research, 64(4), 849-866, 2016. [Link]
Dynamic Portfolio Execution and Information Relaxations, with Martin Haugh.
SIAM J. Financial Math, 5(1), 316-359, 2014. [Link]