Publications in English
Chi, W., Liu, X., Qian, X., Ye, Q. An experimental study of incentive contracts for short- and long-term employees. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019, 159, 366-383.
Chi, W., Wang, L., Liao, H., Zhao, R., Ye, Q. Incentives to move up: Effects of pay gaps between levels on employee performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 2019, 29, 238-253.
Hu, S., Hu, X., Ye, Q. Optimal rebate strategies under dynamic pricing. Operations Research, 2017, 65, 1546-1561.
Hu, S., Wan, Z., Ye, Q., Chi, W. Supplier behavior in capacity investment competition: An experimental study. Production and Operations Management, 2017, 26, 273-291.
Ye, Q., Duenyas, I., Kapuscinski, R. Should competing firms reveal their capacity? Naval Research Logistics, 2013, 60, 64-86.
Ye, Q., Duenyas, I. 2007. Optimal capacity investment decisions with two-sided fixed-capacity adjustment costs. Operations Research, 55, 272-283.
Publications in Chinese
Min, X., Ye, Q., Cai, G. Short-term regional electricity demand forecasting based on residual autoregression. Technology Economics, 2019, 38(6), 119-124.
Ye, Q., Chi, W. Market entry decision in presence of a common supplier. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2012, 15(2): 37-46.
Ye, Q., Chi, W. Game analysis on the market entry decisions with a common supplier. Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice, 2012, 32(6): 1232-1240.
Ye, Q. Two-stage equilibrium bidding strategy in outsourcing procurement of multiple components. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2012, 26(3): 22-27.
Wen, Y., Ye, Q. Supply chain games model with spot market. Operations Research and Management Science, 2012, 21(4): 1-6.
Wen, Y., Ye, Q. Dual sourcing procurement decisions considering collaborative and arms-length suppliers. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2012, 36(6): 1052-1058.
Wen, Y., Ye, Q. Games analysis between bank and enterprise under logistic financing innovations. China Soft Science Magazine, 2011, 10: 54-60.